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Rule 30 of the internet

>inb4 "the trannies"
>inb4 this is just anectodal
>inb4 you're just misogynistic

In case you don't know what the rules of the internet are, here's a quick rundown of the most important ones

Yes I know that most of these -- even the one I'm talking about here -- are statements, not rules. And I also know that I've already broken two of them.

I'd like to talk about #30, and why it's always fucking true. Well, I say that, but I need to clarify what I really mean when I say "There are no girls on the internet". There are very nominally girls on the internet. They might post on forums (probably not anymore), or make ewtube videos, or visit any other vapid social media website. But here's the thing. Not a single girl in the universe ever sets up an http server. And no girl ever builds a computer. They don't write good programs, and they aren't intrested in doing those types of things. Girls wrongly (objectively wrongly) think that terrible $999 sheets of aluminium with some computer parts (maybe) hidden inside of them, are better than a Thinkpad x200 (the best computer ever made).

Even the girls that supposedly "write code" are shams. They take a programming course on a university and get a job (because meritocracy doesn't fucking exist) with some coorporation (a place where no good code is ever made). Where they write nominal little snippets of bloated awful code.

What I'm saying is that girls have no passion or interest in computers, or maybe even technology. I have never met a single girl that knows C. And of all the 2 girls I've seen online that knows C, 2 of them are doubiously tranny-looking.

Written: Tue, 2022 May 03, Last modified: Tue, 2022 May 03


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