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Sprinting is the only form of running

I hate jogging, and running for long periods of time generally. Don't get me wrong, I'm not lazy. I am a proponent of being fit, and even of sprinting. But recreational running is objectively, in my opinion, stupid.


  1. Whenever I run longer than ~1km I feel like puking my innards out (making my innards outards fqfqfqfqfqfqwfwfaarsarsarsarsa). But I don't when I'm doing benchpress.

  2. Our distant ancestors (not the monkeys, they are gay) only ran when hunting, specifically to catch up with prey. If they couldn't catch up to the prey fast, they'd give up. Since they're wasting more energy than they would get eating their prey.

Written: Thu, 2022 May 26, Last modified: Thu, 2022 May 26


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